- How many ways can we create object?
5 Ways we can create object in java
i)using new keyword
Test t = new Test();
ii) using clone method
Test t = new test();
Test t2 = (Test) t.clone();
Class c = Class.forName("nameOfTheClass");
Test t = c.newInstance();
iv)Desensitization concept
FileInpputStream f = new FileInputStream("filepath");
ObjectInputStream o = new ObjectInputStream(f);
Object o = (Test) o.readObject();
V) Using newInstance() method of constructor
Constroctor<Test> c = Test.class.getDeclaredConstrocter();
Test t = c.newInstance();
i)using new keyword
Test t = new Test();
ii) using clone method
Test t = new test();
Test t2 = (Test) t.clone();
Class c = Class.forName("nameOfTheClass");
Test t = c.newInstance();
iv)Desensitization concept
FileInpputStream f = new FileInputStream("filepath");
ObjectInputStream o = new ObjectInputStream(f);
Object o = (Test) o.readObject();
V) Using newInstance() method of constructor
Constroctor<Test> c = Test.class.getDeclaredConstrocter();
Test t = c.newInstance();
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