

Inter View Questions8/28/2018

  1. How many ways can we create object?
5 Ways we can create object in java
i)using new keyword
Test t = new Test();

ii) using clone method
Test t = new test();
Test t2  = (Test) t.clone();

Class c = Class.forName("nameOfTheClass");
Test t = c.newInstance();

iv)Desensitization concept
FileInpputStream f =  new FileInputStream("filepath");
ObjectInputStream o = new ObjectInputStream(f);
Object o = (Test) o.readObject();

V) Using newInstance() method of constructor
Constroctor<Test> c =  Test.class.getDeclaredConstrocter();
Test t  = c.newInstance();

  1. Methods in object class?
  2. Implementation of contact list in mobile and searching algorithm?
  3. Which one is good to implement array list or HashMap and why?
  4. Write down deep cloning program.
  5. How to secure the RESTFUL webservices?
  6. Find the defect coin out of 72 coins in minimum steps using weighing scale.
  7. Write the program to find the max two product of a array with least time complexity. { 1,2,46,64,,43,3}  output-> 64*43.
  8. Write  a program to find the circular HashMap.
  9. How many ways we can send data from client?
  10. I want to send data as json format by GET request.How can I do?
  11. In how many ways I can send data in RESTFUL?
  12. How will u handle content of data send by client when u dony know which type of data client will send?
  13. I wanna build application without any xml file in spring fw ,how can I do?
  14. If I don’t wanna use xml then what are the ways to configure DispatcherServlet,Controller,HandlerMapping,View Reslver?
  15. What is path parameter & query parameter & matrix parameter?  If I wanna send 2 query parameter in same url on different path segment then how u will do?
  17. How will u do form handling data in RESTFUL?
  18. Difference between spring 4 & 3
  20. What is dfference between @Path ,@RequestMapping()?
  21. In RESTFUL IF I don’t wanna configure the ServletContainer in web.xml then what are the other options we can use?
  22. What is IOC container?
  23. What is setter &  constructor injection? How will u implement it in ur spring application?
  25. Like RESTFUL we have @Path for handling the request ,if we create a servlet application then we can use @WebServlet for handling request uri,    so can I call servlet also as RESTFUL?
  27. WHAT IS bean lifecycle?
  28. What is beanpostprocessor?
  29. What all types of hamdler mapping & use cases?
  30. What types ofview resolver, controller & use cases?
  31.  Spring mvc flow?
  32. How many approaches we have for using spring JDBC?
  33. HOW TO USE SPRING with Hibernate application?do spring provide hibernate related stuff for integrating it?
  34. Java 8 features?
  35. Concurrent collection?
  36. Executor framework?
  37. If I wanna use 2 databases at the same time in spring then what should I do?
  38. Difference between jdbc,hibernate?
  39. Pls write hibernate configuration file for MSSQL server database?
  40. What is DIALECT in hibernate?
  41. What is use of
  42. What is SESSIONFACTORY in hibernate?
  43. How to use 2 database in hibernate in same congiguration? Is it possible? If not then how to implement it?
  44. If we don’t wanna configuration file in hibernate then how can we implwmnet hibernate ?
  45. What is mapping file in hibernate ?
  46. What are the annotation u used in hibernate ?
  47. What are inheritance mapping in hibernate?
  48. What is relationship in hibernate
  49. What is difference between get & load?
  50. Difference between save & persist?
  51. Difference between update & merge?
  52. What is criteria in hibernate?
  53. What is named query in hibernate?
  54. What is hql in hibernate ?
  55. Write hql for selecting all record from employee table
  56. Write hql for selecting id,name from employee table?